A Common Paid Search Misstep That Kills Response

In the last issue we talked about the danger of using a corporate website for marketing purposes. The last thing you want to do is have your prospect or customer see your corporate website, since most corporate websites are antimarketing.

Another common website misstep happens in paid searches. Paid search is when your company purchases search keywords through Google or Yahoo! that relate to your product or service.

The advantage of paid search over organic search is that your company is placed on page one of the search results, usually to the right hand side of the organic search.

So what's the common blunder? Failing to match your search copy to your website copy. In paid search it's critical that the copy on your landing page or microsite match your paid search ad copy.

For example, if your paid search ad copy is “Click for Your FREE Guide to Cheap Travel,” your microsite headline should say “Read the FREE cheap travel guide that could save you hundreds!”

That headline should be the first thing your prospect sees. Don't forget, the prospect clicking your search ad wants more information on the topic that sparked interest.

Often if I create multiple landing pages for a promotion, I'll change just the top of the page so it matches the search ad copy.

Remember: If a prospect clicks and doesn't immediately see that your website matches up to the search ad, you will see a decrease in response...and you'll be clicked into oblivion.

Want to create a direct marketing website that brings response? Email me at inquire@cdmginc.com or call me at 310-212-5727. We have webpage solutions that bring top-notch results.