Testing corner: Which thank-you email worked best?

Keeping in touch with your customers and expressing your appreciation should be at the top of your to-do list, now that this down economy has sparked such fierce competition.

Many marketers accomplish this by offering a discount for future purchases in their thank-you emails.

Here’s how a large florist with an online presence decided to test their approach:

Subject line A: Thank You for Making Us Your Florist of Choice

Subject line B: 15% Off—Our Way of Saying Thank You!

Which thank-you email worked best?

The results might surprise you. The opening rate for subject line A was 25% higher than B’s…even though the offer wasn’t mentioned. But that’s not all you need to know.

When it came to click-through rates and sales, subject line B outperformed A quite well. Here’s a breakdown:

  Subject line A Subject line B Relative Difference
Unique click-throughs: 10.11% 16.21% 60.34%
Sales amount $4,717 $7,637 56.18%

Why do you think B beat A? Email your thoughts to inquire@cdmginc.com. I’ll share some reader responses in the next issue.

(Be sure to check out the sidebar for reader responses to our last Testing corner!)