Let’s look at a common copy blunder: You'll got a fantastic product or service. You sit down to write your sales copy and extol the virtues of this great product or service.
You read through it and something seems wrong. It seems a little forced; maybe a little harsh. What’s not working?
You could be bragging.
Bragging is when you stop writing direct response copy and simply repeat how wonderful your product is in a myriad of ways. Bragging about your product or service is not only bad salesmanship, it’s counterproductive.
Bragging creates red flags in the eyes of your prospect. Believability is hindered and it’s a big turnoff to readership and to response.
So how do you tout the great benefits of your product or service without bragging? Here are some ways to make your case:
Use the facts
Endless lines of copy about how wonderful your product or service is won’t do you any good. What you need are facts.
Statistics can be a powerful way to make your point. Many of our satisfied customers are repeat buyers is a powerful call to action. If you had bought this stock when I first recommended it, you have made over $267,000 by January 2007.
You can argue with numbers and facts.
Case studies
Often, I’ll use an actual case study to make a point about a product or service. People love hearing success stories. Outlining a particular client’s problem and solution is a great way to avoid bragging.
Plus, it’s a great forum to showcase your product or service in action.
Testimonials are another great way to sell your product. Not only do you let other people do the talking for you, you are reinforcing your credibility, your track record and your attention to customer service.
The next time you craft your sales copy, take a moment to read through and weed out the common copy blunder of bragging.
If you need help creating great direct response copy that makes the sale, call me at 310-212-5727 or email me at inquire@cdmginc.com
Or, check out the CDMG copywriting archive. We’ve got scores of copy tips to help supercharge your copy and make your campaign a success. Click here to visit the archive.