When I write or critique a direct mail program, I find it helpful to follow tested and proven copy formulas to create a winning campaign. You should check your direct mail now and see if they match any of these response-boosting guidelines.
For now, let’s take a look at just 2 useful copywriting formulas…
- AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. It works because it keeps you focused on the final goal: Prompting your reader to act.
- Grab attention with a personal, benefit-driven headline.
- Now that you’ve got their attention, what you say next is critical. You must create interest to keep them reading. Help them quickly identify that your message is relevant.
- To build desire, use your strongest benefit-driven selling points to appeal to your prospects’ needs and wants.
- Get that response with a strong call to action. Clearly state what you want your prospects to do. For example: “Call 1-800-XXX-XXXX to get your free recession-fighting report” or “Return this Special Savings Certificate in the postage-paid envelope today to begin your FREE no-risk, 30-day trial.”
- AIDPPC: Attention, Interest, Description, Persuasion, Proof, Close. This variation on AIDA was developed by copywriting great Robert Collier, outlining his take on a winning formula.
- After you’ve got attention and interest, your curious prospect will want a full description of what you’re offering. This is like the bait. Show your readers how this offer will improve their lives, and…
- Persuasion goes beyond simply presenting interesting information. You must convince prospects that it’s in their best interest to respond to your offer.
- After you’ve made your claims, provide proof. Today’s skeptical prospects demand that you prove your statements. Back up your sales pitch with cold, hard facts and testimonials.
- Close. Summarize the benefits and the offer and pair that with your call to action. If you’ve done it right, you’ll be on your way to a sales boost.
Mr. Collier used this primarily for the development of sales letters, which we discussed in our last issue. (
If your marketing doesn’t measure up to these response-boosting formulas, you’re losing leads and sales. If you’d like me to help you get better results, email me at inquire@cdmginc.com or call me at
Stay tuned for more formulas in our next full issue of Direct Marketing Update.