Direct mail reality check

When I write or critique a direct mail program, I find it helpful to follow tested and proven copy formulas to create a winning campaign. You should check your direct mail now and see if they match any of these response-boosting guidelines.

For now, let’s take a look at just 2 useful copywriting formulas…

  1. AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. It works because it keeps you focused on the final goal: Prompting your reader to act.

    • Grab attention with a personal, benefit-driven headline.
    • Now that you’ve got their attention, what you say next is critical. You must create interest to keep them reading. Help them quickly identify that your message is relevant.
    • To build desire, use your strongest benefit-driven selling points to appeal to your prospects’ needs and wants.
    • Get that response with a strong call to action. Clearly state what you want your prospects to do. For example: “Call 1-800-XXX-XXXX to get your free recession-fighting report” or “Return this Special Savings Certificate in the postage-paid envelope today to begin your FREE no-risk, 30-day trial.”
  2. AIDPPC: Attention, Interest, Description, Persuasion, Proof, Close. This variation on AIDA was developed by copywriting great Robert Collier, outlining his take on a winning formula.

    • After you’ve got attention and interest, your curious prospect will want a full description of what you’re offering. This is like the bait. Show your readers how this offer will improve their lives, and…
    • Persuasion goes beyond simply presenting interesting information. You must convince prospects that it’s in their best interest to respond to your offer.
    • After you’ve made your claims, provide proof. Today’s skeptical prospects demand that you prove your statements. Back up your sales pitch with cold, hard facts and testimonials.
    • Close. Summarize the benefits and the offer and pair that with your call to action. If you’ve done it right, you’ll be on your way to a sales boost.

Mr. Collier used this primarily for the development of sales letters, which we discussed in our last issue. (Click here to read the article.)

If your marketing doesn’t measure up to these response-boosting formulas, you’re losing leads and sales. If you’d like me to help you get better results, email me at or call me at 310-212-5727.

Stay tuned for more formulas in our next full issue of Direct Marketing Update.